The last stretch before rocking the Holiday season is upon us, and the game industry is feeling the rush. To make sure all those pretty and expensive games come out on time to make money, and benefit from the American Thanksgiving sales boost, production and support are being run to the ground with overtime, fatty foods and soda.
Very soon, we'll be able to taste all that semi-servitude by playing the latest and bested ludo-softwares of the year. The cream of the crop. The top of heap. The multi-million dollar projects. The big companies are all lining up their sled with the most precious jewels of the interactive entertainment world. And they're all for you...for the right price, of course.
What will you be playing come November? Modern Warfare 2, perhaps? Forza 3? Borderlands? Assassins 2?
But this holiday season, think of ther little guys too, won't you? Think about Double Fine Studio and Brutal Legend; make some place in your heart for Alpha Protocol and Tropico 3. Ok sure, Brutal Legend is distributed by the #2 Mother of All Big Companies, Electronic Arts, but it is a small matter. It's still Tim Schafer, and it's still Jack Black and a World entirely built from the essence of Heavy Metal.
So get your big titles, and play your sports games like NHL 10 and Multiplayer shoot-fest like Left 4 Dead 2. But don't forget to also save your money for what comes after the big ball falls down flat on Broadway; for after the calender swings a liner down into 2010. From Dante's Inferno, to Mass Effect 2, by way of Alan Wake and Elemental: War of Magic; from No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle, to A Golden Sun remake on DS and FEZ on XBLA: it's going to be another expensive year.
So keep in mind all those people working to make so many beautiful games, and choose wisely. I'm not saying buy only indie games...I'm just asking you to make the best choices, for you and the industry you support.
Play safe.